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I just love the look of Burlap. I bought a yard of burlap back in October with really good intentions of sewing some accent cushions for the living room, but the material has sat in a cupboard for the past 4 months. Since this month seems to be all about completing unfinished projects (my family photo books, some chalk board trays, and a few other things I’ve had in the works), I decided to finally tackle these.

I wanted more of a lumbar type cushion, so I measured these to be approximately 21″ by 12″ {I tend to mainly eyeball stuff – which is probably why one cushion is slightly smaller than the other}. I did my basic cushion pattern (more info here), with an overlapping back opening. I bought cushion inserts at IKEA for about $4 each.

My burlap inspiration board has been growing:



Restoration Hardware

I ended up deciding to use the same stencil and make two matching pillows for the chairs in the living room. I mixed my favourite black {Behr Black Suede} paint – a sample pot I had on hand – with a Martha Stewart fabric medium {2 parts paint to one part medium}. The paint actually ends up looking slightly brown on the burlap, which I like.

Now, I won’t be snuggling up to these cushions any time soon… I did wash them in cold water with lavender fabric softener (Method is my fav!) but it didn’t soften them as I’d hoped, and they still have that distinct burlap smell. But they look great and are more for decoration anyway.

What have you done with burlap lately?

Linking up to the parties here and WOW and the CSI Project