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When both my children were infants both my husband and I got into the habit of singing to them before bed every night, usually after story time. This has continued as they grow… now my daughter sings along {I love that she knows all the words to “Fly Me to the Moon” and “I Left My Heart in San Fransisco”}. My son has different taste, and sometimes I wonder if I’m the only parent out there that is singing “Rock-a-bye TRUCK {digger/backhoe/tractor/garbage truck/airplane/helicopter/excavator} on the tree top…. when the wind blows the TRUCK will rock. When the bow breaks the TRUCK will fall, and down will come TRUCK dirt and all! I am usually requested to sing this at least 6 times with all the different variations!

My son’s transportation fascination has resulted in quite a collection of trucks and other vehicles (we could probably open a toy store!), so I thought it would be nice to add some fun related art to his room. One wall above his crib is still bare, so when I found these “transportation” stencils and small canvas frames at the dollar store, I knew they’d be perfect for his room.

I decided to go with ivory and red for colour – 2 of each. I painted two coats of acrylic on each frame. I taped on my stencils and painted these on each canvas using the contrasting colour. After they were dry, I lightly sanded the surface to give it a “vintage” look and added a brown glaze to age the pictures a little. To join the four canvas frames together, I dabbed on some wood glue and then used small clamps at the back to keep them together until the glue was sufficiently dry.

I think he likes them!

He just turned two. I can’t believe how big he is now!! Still my little baby though.  🙂

Linking up to the parties listed here as well as:


Debbie-Doo’s Newbie Party

Transformation Thursday

Catch as Catch Can