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Maybe it’s my new April issue of Country Living Magazine or possibly the promise of longer days {can you believe daylight savings is tomorrow?!!} that’s got me thinking about switching out some of my indoor plant pots {I don’t have many plants, because I can’t seem to reliably keep them alive} for more tasteful ones. I’ve been lucky lately… I scored two really great pots at a local thrift store for under $10:

This one is made of some kind of tin, but the finish is an antique white with light distressing and a brighter white underneath. No painting required!!

When I saw this Fleur-de-Lis pot for $4.99 I knew it was meant to be!

Adorable, right?

I’m still trying to get over the fact that I didn’t have to do anything to these – other than stick some plants in them!

Homesense also has some great ceramic pots of various sizes in stock right now – and the prices sure beat some of the astronomical ones I”ve seen at some of the higher-end garden shops {who pays $500 for a garden pot}?!! I found this one ($20) for my little fern. She seems to like her knew home.

I love the crackle finish and the glaze that was used to give it that rusty look in spots.Are you in the mood for spring?